
Thursday, July 25, 2024

As long as the earth will last, people will speak of it

Arjuna to Krishna

 "My victory, O Krishna, is, certain. There is no doubt in this, since thou, O slayer of Madhu, that art the master of all the worlds, art pleased with me. Urge the steeds, 

O Hrishikesha, and my car, O great car-warrior! 

Today Phalguna will not return from battle without slaying Karna. 

Behold Karna slain today and cut in pieces with my shafts. Or, O Govinda, thou wilt today behold me slain with (Karna's) arrows. 

That terrible battle, capable of stupefying the three words, is at hand. As long as the earth will last, people will speak of it."

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